A weekly online study of the book of Genesis led by Charlie Walden begins June 1st. This study will take a look at some of the most well-known stories in the Bible.
We will do our best to post each week’s video lesson HERE on Mondays. There will also be a ZOOM discussion session at 6:30pm Wednesday each week.
To join the ZOOM discussion, or for additional questions, please email [email protected].
Genesis Online
Session 1: From Welter and Waste (June 1, 2020) Genesis 1:1 – 2:4
Session 2: And To Dust You Shall Return (June 8, 2020) Genesis 2:5 – 4:26
Session 3: And the Casements of the Heavens Were Opened Genesis 5:1 – 7:24
Session 4: As Long as the Days of the Earth Genesis 8:1 – 10:32
Session 5: Babel Genesis 11:1 – 32
Session 6: Abram Genesis 12:1 – 16:16
Session 7: Abraham and Sarah Genesis 17:1 – 19:38
Session 8: Yitzhak Genesis 20:1 – 23:20
Session 9: Rebekah Genesis 24:1 – 26:35
Session 10: The Great Deception Genesis 27:1 – 30:43
Session 11: I Have Seen God Face-to-Face Genesis 31:1 – 34:31
Session 12: The Coat of Many Colors Genesis 35-37
Session 13: Joseph in Egypt Genesis 38-41
Session 14: You Shall Not See My Face Genesis 42-44
Session 15: I Myself Will Go Down With You Genesis: 45-48
Session 16: In the Days to Come Genesis: 49-50