The Way of the Heart – Lenten Study – Begins Feb 21 (In-Person) & Feb 23 (Zoom)

jmartwalNews & Events

We will be doing a Lenten Study & Reflection on the book, The Way of the Heart: Connecting with God through Prayer, Wisdom, and Silence by Henri Nouwen. It will be a four-week study with an in-person and zoom options. Sign-up sheets will be available in the Narthex beginning Sunday Feb. 11th.

Wednesday Session (in-person) starts February 21st 1:00-2:30 pm in the Dome (conference room). Friday Session (Zoom) starts February 23rd 6:30 pm

Since its first publication, The Way of the Hearthas helped millions of men and women cast off the anger and greed that trouble the world–and find love, compassion, and peace in the heart of God.

Inspired by the ancient teachings of St. Anthony and the Desert Fathers, The Way of the Heart clears before us a spiritual path consisting of three stepping-stones: Solitude (learning not to be alone but to be alone with God); Silence (the discipline by which the inner fire of God is tended and kept alive); and Prayer (standing in the presence of God with the mind in the heart). 

Distinguished theologian Henri Nouwen brilliantly illuminates each of these disciplines. In reflections that are beautifully clear and practical, as uplifting on the fourth reading as on the first, he helps us separate the wheat from the chaff in our spiritual lives-and reconnects us with what truly matters. 

Within this one small book lies the most relevant and inspiring challenge that we shall ever face: to surrender the compulsive noise of the world for the way of the heart that leads us to God.

If you would like to be included in the ZOOM discussions, or if you have any questions about this study, please email [email protected] or call the church office at 972/252-8519.